Euskalit’s Quality Innovation Awards 2018 were handed in last 12th of December in a ceremony held in Bilbao’s Palacio Euskalduna.
Unibasq, as a partner of Euskalit, awarded two mentions; one to the project presented by the Vice Rectorate for Innovation, Social Engagement and Cultural Activation under the name “ARRAKASTA: Programa para el éxito académico universitario de jóvenes procedentes de los sistemas de protección”, (ARRAKASTA: programme for academic success of Students from protection systems”), and a second one to a proposal from the Science and Technology Faculty of the UPV/EHU named “Atrayendo futuros científicos: orientación y seguimiento al alumnado de nuevo ingreso en la ZTF-FCT de la UPV/EHU” (Attracting future scientists: orientation and monitorisation of new ZTF-FCT students at UPV/EHU).