The XVth International Forum on Evaluation of the Quality in Research and Higher Education, Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES), held in Palacio de la Magdalena Santander on the 10th to 12th of May 2018, Unibasq presented two communications, among other presentations, conferences, applied sessions, debates and symposiums.
On the 10th of May, Unibasq presented “Evaluación del Personal Investigador de las Universidades y Centros de investigación” (“Evaluation of the Research Staff of Universities and Research Centres”), conducted by Tamara Cantabrana and Maitane Monsalvo.
The communication of 11th of May was presented by Idoia Collado, the topic being título “La elaboración de un sello o mención especial que reconozca la formación dual en títulos universitarios.” (“The creation of a hallmark for the recognition of dual training in university degrees”).