• Unibasq participates in the conference “Vocational and University Training: New spaces for collaboration” organised by the UPV/EHU
Within the framework of the Basque University-Business Strategy 2022, the aim is to build bridges between Vocational and University Training. One of the actions proposed is the definition of the Basque framework for collaboration between the University and Vocational...
• European Approach workshop
On 1 and 2 February Unibasq will coorganize a workshop regarding the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes together with MER and ECT+ consortia and the UPV/EHU and with the collaboration of ECA. Programme
• Seminar on the challenges of the university training according to the employers
On 27 January Unibasq , together with AQU Catalunya, ACPUA, ACSUCYL, AAC, ACSUG, AVPA and ACCUEE, will organise the seminar Challenges in university training for teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign...
Unibasq participates in the Colloquium “Os complementos retributivos do profesorado universitario en España” organised by ACSUG
On 25 November 2021, Unibasq will participate in a round table of reflection and debate on the management of the regional salary complements for university lecturers. The round table is included in a Colloquium organised by ACSUG that will take place in the...
• Workshop on “New Horizons in University Quality”
On 11 and 12 November, the conference "New Horizons in University Quality" organised in Tenerife by the Canarian Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation (ACCUEE) and the Foundation for Knowledge madri+d was held, in the framework of the activity...
• ANECA will inform about the general principles and guidelines for updating research assessment criteria
ANECA explains on Friday, 1 October 2021 the general principles and guidelines for updating the research evaluation criteria. The general principles and guidelines set by ANECA to guide the process of updating the criteria used to evaluate research that will serve as...
• Unibasq will participate in the UIMP summer course “Respuestas para el futuro de la educación”
The UIMP summer course "Respuestas para el futuro de la educación" will be held on 29th and 30th July. One of the main objectives of the course is to provide answers to the crucial challenges for the immediate future of education. With the active participation of...
• Seminar on the challenges of training according to employers: The case of university studies in IT and Telecommunications
On June 17th and together with AQU Catalunya, ACPUA, ACSUCYL, AAC, ACSUG, AVAP y ACCUEE we will be organising the seminar: The case of university training in journalism and audiovisual communication, as part of the cycle of webinars on the challenges in university...
• Fourth seminar on the challenges of training according to the employer group: The case of university studies in Computer Science and Telecommunications
On May 12th and together with AQU Catalunya, ACPUA, ACSUCYL, AAC, ACSUG y ACCUEE we will organize the fourth seminar on the challenges of university training according to the employer group: This time the seminar will focus on university studies in Computer Science...
• ImpEA project final conference – 2020/12/17
The final conference of the ImpEA "Facilitating implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes" (ImpEA) project will be held online on 17 December from 12:00 to 15:00. Unibasq as a project partner will present its experience together...