Unibasq Quality Labels

The Unibasq Quality Labels are voluntary acknowledgements granted by the Agency at the request of the Universities in the Basque University System (SUV).

The purpose of the recognitions or Quality Labels awarded by Unibasq is to support the universities of the SUV in the improvement of a series of specific aspects relevant to their degrees. The main objective of these awards is therefore to promote and stimulate the efforts of the SUV universities to improve their degrees, with the secondary objective of improving the visibility of these efforts in society.

The Unibasq Quality Labels focus, in particular, on those aspects of the SUV universities’ degrees on which the university policy of the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country establishes its focus of attention and improvement. In this sense, the Unibasq Quality Labels programme is related, among other issues, to the Order of 27 July 2018, from the Basque Government’s Regional Minister of Education, on the categorisation of official university education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level (Orden del 27 de julio de 2018, de la Consejera de Educación del Gobierno Vasco, sobre la categorización de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales de Grado y Máster).

Characteristics of the Unibasq Quality Labels

The Unibasq Quality Labels are voluntary recognitions granted by the Agency at the request of the SUV’s university centres that wish to do so, in accordance with the procedure established by Unibasq for this purpose. The labels will be obtained once the corresponding external review procedure coordinated by Unibasq has been passed in accordance with its protocols. These labels will include a registration number and will be accompanied by the corresponding certificate that the university centres will use according to the operating rules established by the Agency.

The Quality Labels may be used in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding protocols and guidelines for the assessments of Unibasq or other bodies. When the label has not been renewed or, for justified reasons, has been withdrawn, it may no longer be used at any time. It will be the responsibility of the university centre and the University that offers the degree to withdraw it immediately from the different media in which it has been included.

Having obtained a label as a result of a review procedure by Unibasq does not in any way exempt the guarantees and responsibilities that correspond to the degrees or institutions assessed in accordance with current legislation, whatever the label or quality recognition obtained. Likewise, Unibasq will not be held responsible for any failure to comply with the legislation that affects them. Unibasq will establish monitoring mechanisms aimed at evaluating the maintenance of the conditions that allow the Quality label to remain in force, although it is the responsibility of the university centre and the applicant university to carry out the relevant actions aimed at maintaining compliance with these conditions.

The Unibasq Quality Labels may not be assigned to other degrees, centres, sections or institutions other than those that have passed the evaluation carried out by the Agency. The Quality labels may not be used when

  • The initial review procedure for the label has not been passed.
  • The positive evaluation of the label has been withdrawn in the follow-up procedure.
  • When there has been a substantial modification to the degree that affects the nature of the label and this modification has not been approved by the Agency.
  • It is not used for the purpose for which it was created.

The Unibasq Quality Labels are the property of the Agency and are in the process of being registered at state and European level; they therefore have the legal protection of the regulations concerning trademarks. They can be used by universities whose degrees (either a complete degree or an itinerary in that degree) are accredited for the purpose of differentiation or to achieve other purposes, such as the promotion of their recognised university degree. To this end, the usual guidelines for corporate image must be complied with at all times (e.g., maintaining the specified size, colours, typography and shapes; not making adaptations or versions of the labels). They should always be applied clearly and honestly, avoiding any confusion.

Unibasq is obliged to guarantee the correct use of the Quality Labels, and, if it becomes aware of any improper use, it will initiate an information procedure that will notify the person responsible for the degree and/or institution concerned so that he/she can make allegations (in person or in writing). The result of the hearing process may include a warning requesting in writing that the conditions of use of the Quality label be respected. When the warnings are not heeded or are more serious, Unibasq will initiate the corresponding legal actions and, if appropriate, will make the facts known to other bodies or institutions, as well as to the media.