
The Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq – Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Universitario Vasco) is a state owned body governed by private law attached to the Basque Government’s department responsible for universities. Its objective is the evaluation, accreditation and certification of quality in the area of the Basque University System, while taking the Spanish and international framework into account.

The attainment of this objective is achieved through the development of activities that:

  • Promote and assure quality within the Basque University System, regarding the Spanish, European, and International frames.
  • Contribute in the improvement of the quality of the Basque University System.
  • Inform society about the outcome of the activities of the Agency.
  • Provide information and criteria for the public services, universities, and other educational and scientific-technologic stakeholders for their decision-making processes relating the duties entrusted to the agency.

The Agency was created under Article 79 of Law 3/2004 on the Basque University System. On April 4th 2005 its Administrative Board was formed, which approved the statutes of Uniqual on June 1st 2006; these were published on June 10th 2006. In the year 2009, a process of changes was started in the Agency in order to adapt its statutes to the European Criteria and Directives for quality assurance agencies. As a result the Statutes of the Agency were changed and the new name of UNIBASQ was adopted. Following these changes, the Act 13/2012 of 28 June 2012 governing Unibasq – the Agency for the Quality of the Basque University System was published on the 4th of July of 2012.

Mission, Vision and Values

logotipo observatorio

Observatory of the Basque University System