EQAF 2024 “Enhancing education, research and societal engagement through quality assurance”
Unibasq has participated in the European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) from 14 to 16h November as a member of the EQAF Programme Committee representing ENQA. The Committee is charged with deciding the theme, developing...
• Unibasq has participated in the ENQA General Assembly hosted by Malta Further and Higher Education Authority
The theme of the General Assembly programme was ‘Quality assurance beyond the ESG’ and it included sessions on QA of research, and links between QA and the social dimension of higher education. In addition to the engaging presentations and discussions, Unibasq...
• Unibasq has participated in the Conference on the European Degree and the Higher Education Package
Unibasq has participated in the Conference on the European Degree and the Higher Education Package that was held at the Rectorate of the Polytechnic University of Madrid on 30 September 2024. Organised by the EDLab Pilot Project in collaboration with the EELISA...
• Unibasq organized a conference together with the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Unibasq organized a conference together with the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca on the framework of Unibasq’s coordinated and ECA funded project regarding Student-Centred Learning and the way quality assurance agencies are addressing it in their reviews. The...
• Unibasq in the INQAAHE Forum in Bucharest
Unibasq-ek International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) erakundearen 14. Forum Biennalean parte hartu du, Bukaresten, Transforming Society: Social Reponsibility trough Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education izenburupean....
• XII Conference of the Technical Quality Units
On 16 and 17 November the XII Conference of the Technical Quality Units has taken place in Bilbao hosted by the UPV/EHU. Unibasq participated in the session on Institutional Accreditation together with representatives of ANECA and AQU Catalunya and the Universities of...