Evaluation Commitees of Study Programmes are Unibasq assessment bodies in all matters related to Ex-ante Accreditation and Authorisation, Follow-up, Accreditation Renewal and other processes related with the assessment of Study Programmes. Its functioning is regulated by the Procedure of operating of the Study Programmes Evaluation Committees (in Spanish).

Evaluation Committees of Study Programmes are clasified by field of knowledge (Arts and Humanities, Science, Engineering and Architecture, Health Sciences and Social Sciences and Law)

1.- Committee for Sciences

President: Ángel Ríos Castro (academic)
Secretary: Luís del Peral Gochicoa (academic)
Academic Members:  Kizkitza Insausti Barrenetxea, Pedro Carrasco Sorli and María Victoria Velasco Collado
Student Member: Carme Pacín Salvador
Professional Member: Jorge Moreno Herrero

2.- Committee for Health Sciences

President: José Joaquín Mira Solves (academic)
Secretary: Manuela García de la Hera (academic)
Academic Members: Francisco Alburquerque Sendín, Daniel López López and María Dolores Ruiz López
Student Member: Núria Singh i Kuar
Professional Member: Saioa Meoki Etxebeste

3.- Committee for Engineering and Architecture

President: Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe (academic)
Secretary: Marta Molina Huelva (academic)
Academic Members: Jasmina Casals Terré, Leandro Juan Llácer and Fernando Torres Medina
Student Member: Pedro Torralbo Muñoz
Professional Member: Arritokieta Montes Etxeberria

4.- Committee for Arts and Humanities

President: Chantal Pérez Hernández (academic)
Secretary: Alejandro García Avilés (academic)
Academic Members: María Teresa López de la Vieja and Carmen Galán Rodríguez
Vocal estudiante: Raquel San Mamés Albar
Vocal  profesional: Pedro Guérin Fockedey

5.- Committee for Social Sciences and Law

President: José Antonio Caride Gómez (academic)
Secretary: Oscar González Benito (academic)
Academic Members: Sylvia Ana Defior Citoler, Francisco Manuel García Costa and Andreu Casero Ripollés.
Student Member: Jaime Piqueras García
Professional Member: Lourdes Romero Armenteros

Resolution of 10th of september of 2024 (spanish).

Resolution of 14th of june of 2023 (spanish).

 Resolution of 29th of march of 2023 (spanish).

Resolution of 25th of november of 2022 (spanish).

Resolution of 3rd of october of 2022 (spanish).

Resolution of 1st of february of 2022 (spanish).

 Resolution of 4th of november of 2021 (spanish).