In the year 2007, Unibasq signed an agreement of collaboration with ANECA in order to participate in the Procedure of Recognition of Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS) of University Education: AUDIT.
The process of constructing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the new changes introduced in the Spanish regulations are promoting the introduction of procedures for assuring quality in the work of the universities, with the aim of promoting continuous improvement. For this purpose it is recommendable that universities should have IQAS and policies that are formally established and publicly available. In accordance with the above, ANECA in collaboration with the AQU, ACSUG and Unibasq agencies have, in a coordinated manner, developed the AUDIT Program. The purpose of this initiative directed at the university centres is to guide the design of quality assurance systems, which should integrate the activities that have been developed to date related to the guarantee of quality of teaching. Although these guidelines are directed to the centres, there are transversal elements directed to the university as a whole (for example, with respect to academic staff, material resources and services, etc.). As support for the universities in the development of these policies of quality, the university evaluation agencies have developed a series of documents directed towards this aim.
The procedure is developed through several phases:
- Design of the IQAS by the university centre
- IQAS design certification
- Implementation and follow-up of the IQAS
- Certification of the implementation of the IQAS
IQAS design certification
In this phase Unibasq reviews the IQAS design in order to verify the fulfilment of the requirements and criteria settled by the AUDIT procedure.
The university centres which want to be reviewed under the AUDIT procedure should send an application form following the model in the Documentation section, where additional information about the procedure can be found.
Documentation (Spanish):
- Annex I: Application for participation
- Annex II: Letter of Accession
- Annex III: Agreement
- Annex IV: Addendum to Agreement
For more information of the documentation available:
- Tools for design
- Evaluation tools
Certification of the implementation of the IQAS
The university centres which fulfil the following requirements can apply for the certification of the implementation of their IQAS:
- To have a IQAS designed according to the AUDIT procedure criteria and to have a positive review by Unibasq.
- To have implemented the IQAS within at least six months before applying for certification.
- To have official degrees with graduates or students in their last year.
- To agree on the terms of reference and the methodology described in the certification process.
The universities should send their applications to the following address:
Sending the application means that all the terms of reference of the call are accepted.
Unibasq and the universities will agree on the dates for the procedure. Unibasq will publish on its webpage the applicants for each call.
Documentation (Spanish):
- Guide for the Certification of the implementation of the IQAS
- Annex I. Application form for the Certification of the implementation of the IQAS
- Annex II. Report on the modifications made to the IQAS
- Annex III. Externa review report
- Annex IV. Improvement actions plan
- Annex V. Tool for the review of the implementation of the IQAS
Institutional Accreditation and Quality Systems Certification Commettee
Chairman: Javier González Benito.
Academic members:: María Paula Ríos de Deus, Mª Pilar Órtiz Calderón y Madalena Patrício.
Profesional members: Rafael Llavori de Micheo y Andy Tunnicliffe.
Student: Markel Serrano Felipe.
Secretary: Jasmina Casals Terré.
Resolucion of 14th November of 2022 (Spanish)
Resolution of 14th November of 2022 (Spanish)
- IQAS design certification (Spanish)
- Implementation of the IQAS (Spanish)