Internal Organisation
Governing Bodies
Governing Board
The members of the Governing Board are:
The Chairperson, who is the minister of the Basque government’s department responsible for universities or the person delegated by him/her:
– Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias
The deputy-minister of the Basque government’s department responsible for universities or the person delegated by him/her:
– Patxi Xabier Aizpurua Telleria
The director of the agency:
– Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria
The rectors of the universities of the Basque university system:
– José Ramón Bengoetxea Caballero (Rector of Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
– Juan José Etxeberria Sagastume (Rector of University of Deusto)
– Vicente Atxa Uribe (Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea)
– Eva Eguiguren Medinabeitia (Rector of Euneiz University)
A person with recognised academic merit appointed by the rector of Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea:
– Idoia Fernandez Fernandez
Six persons appointed by the Basque University Council by a majority of three fifths of its members:
– Ana Jesús Arrieta Ayestarán
– OIatz Imaz
– Patricia Pol
– Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero
– Juan Ignacio Ugartemendia Eceizabarrena
– Belén Urosa Sanz
One student member, who must be elected by the specific body for the participation of Basque university students:
– To be appointed
Minutes Summaries (Spanish).
Since November 2019, Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria has been the Director of Unibasq (his appointment was extended by an agreement of the Agency’s Governing Board in December 2023).
Technical Bodies
Advisory Board
The members of the Advisory Board are:
- Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria, Director of Unibasq
- Rosa M. Baños Rivera
- José Antonio Caride Gómez
- Sebastián Chávez de Diego
- Raquel Coterillo Laso
- Carmen Fenoll Comes
- Kristi Jauregi Ondarra
- Ignacio Raúl Matías Maestro
- Paula Ramis de Ayreflor
- Irene Ramos-Vielba
- Patricia Valcárcel Fernández
Minutes summaries (Spanish).
Advisory Bodies
Ethics and Guarantees Committee
– Sandra Marcos Ortega, proposed by the Unibasq Advisory Board.
– Carlos Jose Vidal Prado, proposed by the Unibasq Governing Council.
– María del Lluc Nevot (estudiante), proposed by the Unibasq Students’ Consultative Committee.
– Unibasq technical support: Eva Fernández de la Bastida.
Code of Ethics and Guarantees (in spanish)
Internal regulation (in Spanish)
The Consultative Students Committee
The Consultative Students Committee of UNIBASQ was created to show the student opinion collegially and to be able to support the activities of any person or body of the Agency.
– Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria, Director of Unibasq.
– Celia Rino Pardo, student representative on the Governing Board.
– Cristina Alvarado Díaz, student representative on the Advisory Board.
– Clara Isabel Urbán Martín, student representative on the DOCENTIA Committee.
– Markel Serrano Felipe, student representative on the AUDIT Committee.
– Pedro Torralbo Muñoz, student representative on the Evaluation Commitees of Study Programmes.
Regulation (in spanish)