International Cooperation
Internationalisation is a multi-faceted phenomenon which varies significantly depending on each university’s mission. As the world becomes more interconnected across borders, so the boundaries of higher education itself expand. There is an increasing diversity of institutions in the Basque Country– varying sizes, public and private, courses and type of qualification, degree of focus on research…which requires diverse strategies to foster their internationalisation.
The Unibasq Strategic Plan 2016-2019 established in its strategic line 3 “Agency’s Internationalisation Supporting the Basque University System” a set of actions to give more social and international diffusion for the Basque universities and the agency, highlighting among others: taking part in international networks and in the development of international projects; promoting international consultancy and assessment activities; and facilitating the relations among Basque and some other universities.
Along the same lines, the Unibasq Strategic Plan 2020-2023 (spanish) established the strategic line 2 “Projection and relationship with the environment” with two related lines of action: “Management and improvement of collaboration with international university agents” (E2.01.02) and “Improvement in collaboration with other international quality agencies” (E2.02.02).
The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) is an umbrella organisation which represents quality assurance agencies from the member states of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). ENQA promotes European co-operation in the field of quality assurance in higher education and disseminates information and expertise among its members and towards stakeholders in order to develop and share good practice and to foster the European dimension of quality assurance.
To be part of ENQA, as a full member, it is necessary to pass an external assessment in accordance with the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (ESG) that establishes a series of aspects that indicate a commitment to quality, transparency, independence, ethical criteria and appropriate performance of services and activities.
2023 review
Unibasq must undergo an external review every five years. In 2022a new process of reflection and planning for the external review began. The details of the external review can be found here:
- 2023 Self-assesment report
- Unibasq external review report
- The Agency Review Committee´s statement on validation of the external targeted review report of Unibasq
- The ENQA Board’s decision on UNIBASQ’s review, including comments concerning areas of development
The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was created in 2008 by the ENQA , ESU , EUA and EURASHE (bodies representing quality agencies, students, universities, and other higher education institutions, respectively), with the aim of increasing transparency for higher education quality in Europe. The EQAR is a register where quality assurance agencies operating within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and considered to be reliable, trustworthy, and credible are listed.
On 29 November 2014, Unibasq was included for the first time in the EQAR register, after this body verified that the Agency carried out its activities in compliance with the Standard and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Following the renewal in 2019, on 4 April 2024 it has renewed its EQAR registration for the second time until 31/01/2029.
Representatives from the agencies members of the ECA can participate in the activities and meetings of the working groups established on a variety of topics: mutual recognition and joint programmes, institutional accreditation and audits, and mutual learning and sharing of best practices. ECA members can also take part in European projects coordinated by the consortium, as well as in other events -workshops and conferences- organized on a regular basis.
Unibasq is member of ECA since December 2015.
INQAAHE (The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) is a world-wide association of over 200 organisations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education. The great majority of its members are quality assurance agencies that operate in many different ways, although the network also welcomes (as associate members) other organisations that have an interest in Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Unibasq is member of INQAAHE since January 2013 and since November 2020 it is aligned with INQAAHE’s Guidelines of Good Practice in Quality Assurance (GGP):