• Unibasq in the INQAAHE Forum in Bucharest

Unibasq-ek International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) erakundearen 14. Forum Biennalean parte hartu du, Bukaresten, Transforming Society: Social Reponsibility trough Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education izenburupean....

• XII Conference of the Technical Quality Units

On 16 and 17 November the XII Conference of the Technical Quality Units has taken place in Bilbao hosted by the UPV/EHU. Unibasq participated in the session on Institutional Accreditation together with representatives of ANECA and AQU Catalunya and the Universities of...

• General Assembly of ENQA in Dublin

Unibasq participates in the General Assembly of ENQA, from October 25 to 27 2023, in Dublin hosted by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). During these days, academic recognition and its links with quality assurance, academic integrity and the future of ESGs will...

• 20th anniversary of ECA

Unibasq participates in the 20th anniversary of ECA in Palma de Mallorca. On 22 and 23 June, ECA celebrates its 20th anniversary in the framework of a seminar that will reflect on the achievements and challenges for the future. Agenda