Experts Pool

Unibasq’s Experts Pool is a database that aims to support the evaluation processes carried out by the Agency, to contribute to the improvement of these processes.

Unibasq has experts with different profiles to carry out the evaluation processes in the different procedures, both for its Committees and for its evaluation panels. They should be people whose experience and knowledge contribute to maintaining and improving the quality of the evaluation processes carried out by the Agency.

Unibasq selects experts following the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the Principles for the Selection of Experts agreed by the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA), considering criteria of quality, objectivity, independence and absence of conflicts of interest.

Unibasq seeks to expand and improve its pool of experts by recruiting experts with different profiles, with or without previous experience in evaluation, both national – especially from outside the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country – and international. More specifically, Unibasq aims to incorporate these profiles into its Experts pool:

  • Academic staff with teaching, research, knowledge transfer, management and/or evaluation experience.
  • Active university students or recent graduates.
  • Professionals with extensive experience in the sector of the knowledge field under evaluation.

For any question related to the Experts pool, please contact

Access to the Experts pool

Unibasq invites experts who wish to contribute their information and CVs to our Experts pool to fill in their details in the following link:  EXPERTS POOL (access)

Applications for inclusion in the Experts pool are analysed by Unibasq before being definitively added to the database. Once the application is included in the database, an e-mail is sent to the applicant. The fact of being registered in the pool implies that the Agency may contact the person who has been registered in the pool to request his/her collaboration as an expert in one of its procedures, with the possibility, of course, that this request may be rejected if the registered person considers it appropriate (for example, due to agenda problems, conflicts of interest, incompatibilities, etc.), without this implying that he/she will be “removed” from the pool. If an expert agrees to collaborate in a review process, his/her curriculum vitae will be published on the Agency’s website.

As specified in greater detail in the Pool of experts, the personal data provided in the pool will be guaranteed by Unibasq for managing the data of experts who collaborate in the Agency’s review processes in accordance with the legislation in force.

logotipo observatorio

Observatory of the Basque University System