The two-day venue hosted by ACPUA, Official Agency for the evaluation of Higher Education in the Region of Aragon, offered a chance to attend presentations on Social dimension in quality assurance and UNESCO’s Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications preceding the General Assembly meeting on the first day, and two out of the four workshops offered on the second day.
The four workshops offered on this Forum were the following:
– An Adaptive Trust-based e-assessment System for Learning (TeSLA):
Presenters: Ana Elena Guerrero, Project Coordinator of TeSLA, Open University of Catalonia
Esther Huertas Hidalgo, Project Manager, AQU Catalunya
The workshop provided an overview of the e-assessment system as well as how quality assurance aspects are analysed on pilots. The workshop aimed to work and solve critical aspects when quality experts analyse the e-assessment process in HE institutions.
– Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR):
Presenter: Colin Tück, Director, EQAR
The workshop presented the current state of the project and allowed participants to explore the different ways in which QA agencies could participate and use the database in their own work.
– Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation (HAQAA) Initiative:
Presenters: Caty Duykaerts, Vice-President, ENQA
Paula Ranne, Deputy Director, ENQA
In the project, ENQA has coordinated the work of a Technical Working Group, which has drafted the African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) and a review methodology for external reviews of quality assurance agencies.
The workshop introduced the main elements of the ASG-QA and review methodology and brought into light some of the most interesting discussions of the drafting process that can be reflected upon in the European context.
– Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance (LIREQA):
Presenter: Aurelija Valeikiene, Deputy Director, SKVC
The workshop provided an opportunity to discuss a draft set of recommendations developed by LIREQA project partners on how QA agencies, HEIs and ENIC/NARIC centres collectively and individually could contribute to implementation of expectations under ESG 1.4 “Student admission, progression, recognition and certification”. Indicators for quality assurance were proposed. Key features and innovative ideas of what helps fair recognition and developing cooperation between the three communities were covered.