Unibasq will organise an online conference on 10 December to present the results of the ImpEA project (Facilitating Implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes). This is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission with the aim of effectively implementing the European approach for quality assurance of joint programmes in the field of education and training in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The European approach, adopted in 2015 by the Yerevan Ministerial Conference, offers its own criteria and a harmonised procedure at European level in order to respond to the specificity of joint programmes. At this conference, in addition to the presentation of the online toolkit developed in the project, testimonials will be given on the practice and benefits of accreditation with the “European Approach”. The conference will be mainly in Spanish with some presentations in English.
More information and registration form can be found in the programme.