The INQAAHE Conference 2019 took part from 25th to 27th of March in Colombo, Sri Lanka under the topic “Quality Assurance, Qualifications, and Recognition: Fostering Trust in a Globalised World”.
Eva Fernández de Labastida, Unibasq´s internationalisation and projects manager, took part in the meeting for the regional net of quality assurance agencies as member of the Board of ECA, conducting two presentations.
The first one, in association with Maciej Markowski of PKA and representing ECA, “Quality assurance of joint programmes – a global challenge and possible responses” presented the initiatives developed to implement joint degree evaluation (MULTRA and European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes) and the practical experiences of Proyect ImpEA.
The second one, “ Work-based learning: evaluation of the dual System of the Basque University System ”, offering the outcomes of the first call of the evaluation of work-based learning at university level in the Basque University System, carried out in the frame of the First Basque Strategy for Work-based learning.