
Mission, Vision and Values



To help improve the Basque university system by promoting its quality and taking into account the interest groups involved in higher education.



Unibasq carries out its activities independently, transparently, objectively, effectively and competently, basing itself on international standards that guarantee quality in higher education.



The agency’s values are described in detail in its Code of Ethics, and may be summarised as follows:

  • Independence and autonomy, in fulfilling its obligations.
  • Transparency, in terms of communicating its processes, criteria and forms.
  • User-oriented, by attending to the needs of interest groups.
  • Respect for the autonomy and diversity of universities * Social responsibility, in performing the tasks entrusted to it, via efficient use of the resources it has been assigned and accountability via the publication of an annual report.
  • Collaboration with the agents involved in higher education in order to achieve common goals.
  • Cooperation with agencies and national and international networks in order to develop functions and processes.
  • Involvement in continuous improvement and innovation in order to develop all processes.
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logotipo observatorio

Observatory of the Basque University System