Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria was the chosen frame to host the “Quality assurance of work-based learning” organised by Unibasq on the 11th of June.
In it, representatives of the three universities of the Basque University System, members of the staff of Unibasq, and several international guests were given the opportunity to gain a deeper insight on the concept of work-based learning from Michal Karpíšek from EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education), and later listen to the experiences of some Quality Assurance Agencies represented by Pieter Soete from NVAO, Aisla Crum from QAA Scotland, and Eva Fernández de Labastida from Unibasq.

Pieter Soete, NVAO

Michal Karpíšek (EURASHE)

Ailsa Crum, QAA Scotland
On the second part of the workshop, the three universities of the Basque University System presented examples of their good practices in work-based learning, with Ixaka Egurbide, representing IMH (UPV/EHU), Itziar Azkue and Jon Barrutia, representing UPV/EHU, María Lambarri and Isabel Fernández, representing University of Deusto, and Jon Altuna and Josu Galarza, representing Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

María Lambarri and Isabel Fernández (University of Deusto)

Ixaka Egurbide, IMH (UPV/EHU)

Itziar Azkue and Jon Barrutia (UPV/EHU)
Taking advantage of the presence of Adolfo Morais, Vice-minister for Universities, who opened the act with Eva Ferreira, Director of Unibasq, certifications for Dual Labels were awarded to the degrees that have achieved the label in the last call.

Representatives of the three universitites of the Basque University System get their Dual Certificates from Eva Ferreira and Adolfo Morais
The workshop concluded with a round of questions from the audience to the international experts, who presented their final thoughts afterwards.

Eva Fdz. de Labastida in the final conclusions of the three international speakers